We started out quietly offering sanctuary to horses who would otherwise be destined for slaughter for human consumption, or dog/pet food. Horses the racing industry refers to as “wastage“.
We offer a lifelong, permanent home at our sanctuary to off-the-track thoroughbreds or thoroughbreds who were bred again and again AKA brood mares – including those who never made it to the track.
We generally have 20 horses at any given time. Right now our residents include not only Thoroughbreds but also a Standardbred mare and a few minis. (And yes, it is expensive to properly keep that many horses.)
YOUR help allows us to continue and expand upon that work.

In 2021, we decided it was time to work harder at advocating for horses, including educating those in the European Union about the inhumane slaughter of horses within Australia…
That education includes the fact that horse meat is not only inhumane but it is toxic to consume both for humans and dogs or other pets – and that commitment led to the development of the Meet Our Horse Meat website.
In addition, we run advertising campaigns to raise awareness.
Advocating for the banning of horse slaughter within Australia for any purpose INCLUDING THE BARBARIC massacre of Brumbies and for changes to the horse racing industry has gained us many enemies…
We’ve been threatened by those in the horse racing industry and those who benefit from horse slaughter more times than we can count. But we are not going away.
The horse racing industry has extremely deep pockets but even so, we see how the racing industry is running scared because of the hard work of Australian advocates.
We will not be intimidated into turning a blind eye.
We are going to persist until horse slaughter no longer exists within Australia for any purpose and until the horse racing industry makes drastic changes.
We are going to continue our hands-on work to offer lifelong sanctuary to as many horses as possible.
We have the acreage to take on more horses as our following and financial support allows.
Whistle blowers are invited to contact us regarding violations occurring during horse slaughter or transport to slaughter.
Are you an ex-slaughter house employee, a transport driver or feedlot operator with knowledge of animal abuse, or other violations?
Are you a track veterinarian who has evidence of horses "run" on phenylbutazone or other drugs, and then shipped to slaughter?
Anonymity guaranteed!