Dear fellow horse advocates,

Despite the clear recommendations from the Martin Inquiry, significant action has yet to be taken to improve the welfare of our horses.

We must hold the Queensland government accountable for their inaction.

Please take a moment to copy and paste — then forward the following done-for-you letter — urging the Government to implement the Inquiry’s recommendations without further delay.

Together, we can push for the reforms our horses deserve.

P.S.  Feel free to forward to other elected officials AND candidates as well.

Christien Duffey (LNP) running in McConnel

Holstein Wong (Greens) Running in McConnel

Animal Justice Party

Animal Liberation Queensland

Senator Mehreen Faruqi

The best way to contact Premier Miles, Mark Furner, MP & Grace Grace, MP – for the very best “deliverability”  is by clicking their names – which are links above and copying and pasting the letter below into the form provided.

(By clicking on their names you’ll also find links to their social media accounts so you can “tag” them on related posts.)

Oh, and if you use the link and the form –  you can click on the box asking for a response!  (THANK YOU for taking action – we appreciate you!)


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Postal Code]
[Email Address]


The Honourable Steven Miles, Premier of Queensland
The Honourable Mark Furner, Minister for Agriculture Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities
The Honourable Grace Grace, Minister for Racing, Minister for State Development and Infrrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations


Mr. David Crisafulli
Mr. Anthony (Tony) Perrett
Mr. Tim Mander

Dear Premier Miles, Minister Furner, and Minister Grace,

In 2019, Australians were shocked and horrified by the ABC 7:30 Report The Final Race, which exposed the racing industry’s practice of discarding horses deemed as “wastage” by sending them to slaughterhouses for pet food and human consumption.

At the time, Premier Palaszczuk, expressed deep concern, stating: “This was deeply disturbing, horrendous footage, and I was just as appalled to witness it…”

In a joint statement with Ministers Furner and Hinchliffe, the Premier announced an urgent inquiry into the treatment of retired racehorses, focusing on the animal welfare concerns raised about Queensland abattoirs.

This inquiry, led by retired District Court Judge Terry Martin SC, resulted in 55 recommendations aimed at improving the welfare of retired racehorses.

The inquiry notably concluded that the treatment of racehorses as disposable commodities was “unethical and not aligned with community expectations.”

The Queensland Government accepted all 55 recommendations either in full, in part, or in principle.

Specifically, Recommendation 7.1—regarding transparency in reporting the fate of retired racehorses—was accepted by the government.

However, four and a half years later, it appears there has been little progress.

Despite claims from the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) that they have fulfilled Recommendation 7.1, multiple phone calls have confirmed that these details have yet to be published.

Additionally, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) asserts that it has completed Recommendation 6.4, which mandates that abattoirs and knackeries report the microchip numbers, branding, and vendor details of all horses with racing brandings processed at their facilities.

Yet, a recent Right to Information request revealed no evidence of such reports being submitted to the QRIC.

It has now been over four and a half years since the Queensland Government accepted the recommendations of the Martin Inquiry. Given the significance of these issues and the public’s continuing concern for the welfare of retired racehorses, it is essential that the commitments made by your government be honoured with transparency and action.

I urge you to ensure the full implementation and public reporting of all recommendations, particularly those relating to the tracking and fate of retired racehorses. The integrity of Queensland’s racing industry, and the trust of the public, depend on it.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

P.S.  Worried that you won’t be able to handle questions if someone from their staff reaches out?

Don’t worry, simply direct any inquiries to us here.

From the bottom of our hearts…


We’ve been threatened by those in the horse racing industry and those who benefit from horse slaughter more times than we can count.

But we are not going away.

We are going to persist until horse slaughter no longer exists for any purpose within Australia -- and until the horse racing industry makes drastic changes.

We are going to continue our hands-on work to offer lifelong sanctuary to as many horses as possible.  We generally have 20 at just one of our locations - at any given time.

We have the acreage to take on more horses as financial support allows.

You do NOT need a PayPal account to contribute.



5 FOALS SAVED BUT 2 MARES SLAUGHTEREDUnfortunately, heartbreaking scenes like these mares being separated from foals play out at auctions across Australia on a regular basis.Let's start with a little background of what happens in countries like Australia where it is...

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