This is a long article and one that I found difficult to read – it’s taken me days to read it.

Even so it has coalesced issues that many of us see in the world today such as the ecological crisis, militarisation, war, starvation, poverty, resource depletion, and agricultural collapse at the hands of unrestrained corporate power ie neoliberalism.

The document/article starts out…

The global ecological crisis, deepening with each passing year, threatens the world as never before, an outgrowth of unrestrained corporate power that today colonizes every realm of human life.

The crisis intersects with virtually every social problem, from declining public health to chaotic weather patterns, growing poverty, resource depletion, agricultural collapse, even military conflict. It goes to the core of industrialism and modernity, to relentless efforts by privileged interests to commodify and exploit all parts of the natural world, including most natural habitats and species within it.

We, of course, do not have to believe everything we read, hear and see,  however, corporate interests are served if they keep the masses divided.

It was not that long ago that ex-employees of Facebook told us that if there is a disagreement on Facebook the post is more likely to appear in newsfeeds, in other words, Facebook is trying to provoke division because it is good for their business.

It was also alleged that the genocide in Myanmar was fuelled by Facebook posts. Imagine that?  You can get people to kill each other by advertising an issue on Facebook. (Pretty sure this is not the case now.  Hopefully, Facebook has started to use AI in a manner that will allow fewer and fewer hate-fueled posts to slip through.)

Amnesty International states: Facebook’s algorithms and Meta’s ruthless pursuit of profit created an echo chamber that helped foment hatred of the Rohingya people and contributed to the conditions which forced the ethnic group to flee Myanmar en masse.  [More here.]

Humanity is facing a crisis and requires a paradigm shift: people need to see the whole picture of global corporate-military tyranny that encourages us to be fragmented.

At the heart of this is that most of us see animals and nature as something to be exploited. The article goes into great detail about how this is not sustainable and how we are on the brink of ecological collapse. 

The Internet and social media have allowed division to be sown and traditional social institutions undermined.

Things such as the family unit, religion, unions, and political allegiances, have all been undermined and attacked. This has left society with no means of being united and the division created has served corporate interests and government.

This article shows how the root of a lot of ills can be laid at the feet of our neo-liberal system. This is not simple capitalism or the marketplace. This has turned into unbounded greed and we are a cog in the wheel.

On social media we are turned into data and advertising dollars. 

The only way we can join together is to recognise the whole system. One of the things that right-wing politicians did well a few decades ago, was recognise that the Tea Party in America was able to bring a whole lot of issues together and become a political force.

Not that the crisis facing us is party-political. An ecological collapse is something that is facing the whole of humanity.

Don’t get me wrong, one can criticise something without being divisive – it’s just that people that want change or awareness need to realise that being called a snowflake or woke is a good thing.

People who use those terms in a derogatory way can’t even explain what they mean!  They have heard those terms being used in a derogatory way by others or in the media and in turn they “vomit” those terms at every opportunity.

Remember an avalanche is made up of snowflakes and being woke is about having empathy.

P.S.  We’d like to end by saying that it may appear that we are not fans of social media, on the contrary, we love the power that it provides us “woke snowflakes”.  

We invite you to help us and embrace that power…  

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DEMAND A NON-LETHAL ALTERNATIVE TO BRUMBY MASSACRE   534 wild horses, including  foals, have been CHASED and then SHOT from helicopters in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia in just 15 DAYS. And yes, even babies are being massacred from helicopters. DEATHS ARE...

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A COURTESY POST FOR MARG WARDRest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises. Although we helped promote Marg's recent GoFundMe we are not directly or...

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COMMITTEE INVESTIGATION INTO AERIAL SHOOTING OF WILD HORSES IN THE KNPRest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises. Currently there is an...

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FLYING AT LOW LEVEL TO AVOID TURBULENCE...Rest assured, there are no graphic images on this page. We always warn visitors about potentially disturbing content, so you can browse safely without any surprises. Death Valley Author wishes to remain anonymous. To my dismay...

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Brumby advocates are often referred to by the government & the press as... "A fragmented group of extremist nutters". Let's prove them wrong by locking arms & stopping the massacre of Brumbies.WE'RE ALL ABOUT NON-LETHAL ALTERNATIVESWe are a dedicated group of...

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We’ve been threatened by those in the horse racing industry and those who benefit from horse slaughter more times than we can count.

But we are not going away.

We are going to persist until horse slaughter no longer exists for any purpose within Australia -- and until the horse racing industry makes drastic changes.

We are going to continue our hands-on work to offer lifelong sanctuary to as many horses as possible.  We generally have 20 at just one of our locations - at any given time.

We have the acreage to take on more horses as financial support allows.

You do NOT need a PayPal account to contribute.



WHAT'S YOUR DEFINITION OF RESCUING A HORSE?Above are just a few of the horses that we've rescued.   Some were surrendered by owners, and others we've outbid doggers also known as kill buyers at auctions so that they didn't end up on a slaughter truck and at any of the...

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FOOD SAFETY BASED ON THE HONOUR SYSTEMWhistleblowers are invited to contact MOHM regarding violations occurring during horse slaughter or transport to slaughter. Are you an ex-slaughterhouse employee, a transport driver or a feedlot operator with knowledge of animal...

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