We often find that people think our name "Meet Our Horse Meat" came about because we are promoting the consumption of horse meat.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our name was designed to educate those in the European Union who are eating horses slaughtered in Australia about the dangers and cruelty of horse meat produced in Australia.

AND to raise awareness in Australia that horse slaughter in this country not only exists but is thriving.

We are opposed to the slaughter of horses for any purpose -- including but not limited to for human consumption.

We started this website because of horses purchased at Echuca (a horse sale) and then put on a truck to a Queensland abattoir.

A 1500 KM trip – often in extreme temperatures.

The horses were crammed on a truck with no feed, no water, no rest – sometimes on the truck for 30 hours.

Some arrived with broken legs, others died on the way.

It was heartbreaking to see this happening every fortnight and the horse slaughter industry in Australia does not discriminate.  All types of horses from pets, to show, to rodeo, to sport, to race horses and wild horses are slaughtered.

We knew we needed to do something to raise awareness in the European Union and here at home in Australia so we started this site to help ban the slaughter of any and all horses within Australia.

We’ve been successful at coming up in the search engines when those looking to purchase horse meat at the wholesale level are looking for sources –  and even when people are looking for jobs in abattoirs or knackeries.

We hope that at least some have decided against buying horse meat produced in Australia because of the dangers and cruelty we’ve exposed and we hope that at least some job seekers have thought twice as a result of visiting our page.

BUT 4 years into this advocacy work for horses do we now wish that maybe we’d picked a different name?

Yes, because at times when we find ourselves having to explain why we picked the name and we understand that some may find our name abhorrent…

We hope you understand that the name was NOT meant to be offensive.  Our intentions were — and remain pure — again we are opposed to the slaughter of horses for any purpose — and we thank you for caring!



QUOTED INCREASES IN BRUMBY POPULATIONS STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLECurrently, misinformation about Brumbies in the KNP is running rampant.  There is also misinformation about damage and the threat to wildlife. Equine scientists have shown many threatened species are NOT...

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Thank you to Gary Cotchin for the research and boots-on-the-ground work he's done in defence of Brumbies in Australia - and for sharing the article below. We've linked a PDF via buttons and links below to the pictures Gary mentions in his writing.  Some of which are...

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67 HORSES SHOTWe are NOT  including graphic photos on this blog post, BUT if you decide to click through to the original article on the link provided AFTER the text below, there are photos that may be upsetting to some.  Scroll down to learn what you can do, no matter...

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