People were horrified that our national treasure Black Caviar had been bred to death. She won 25 races from 25 starts. The public loved her and assumed that when she retired from racing, she was actually being retired to live out her days in a nice green paddock.

No, she was expected to have a foal every year. Her owners actually tried to get a foal every year but she failed to get pregnant a couple of years. She had 9 foals in 11 years.

Ultimately Black Caviar gave birth to 11 foals and immediately after giving birth to the 11th she was euthanised.

Keep in mind that in order to have back-to-back foals because a mare has an 11-month gestation she is impregnated when her foal is 2-3 weeks of age.

This doesn’t happen IN THE WILD. Wild mares have a foal every second year or even every third year.

This film shows how the breeding industry advertises mares at the Inglis Digital sales – they hold her tail up and photograph her vulva. She is a commodity and her genitalia are important to prospective buyers.

What is upsetting is that once a mare can’t produce foals, she is sent to the knackery. Some studs send their mares to slaughter once they get to 15 years of age.

All horses are exploited for racing, mares are then expected to have a foal every year. Most end up slaughtered. It is not ok that horses are bred to race or breed and then are slaughtered when it is convenient.

Most breeders will not appreciate this film so be warned.


We’ve been threatened by those in the horse racing industry and those who benefit from horse slaughter more times than we can count.

But we are not going away.

We are going to persist until horse slaughter no longer exists for any purpose within Australia -- and until the horse racing industry makes drastic changes.

We are going to continue our hands-on work to offer lifelong sanctuary to as many horses as possible.  We generally have 20 at just one of our locations - at any given time.

We have the acreage to take on more horses as financial support allows.

You do NOT need a PayPal account to contribute.



DEMAND A NON-LETHAL ALTERNATIVE TO BRUMBY MASSACRE   534 wild horses, including  foals, have been CHASED and then SHOT from helicopters in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia in just 15 DAYS. And yes, even babies are being massacred from helicopters. DEATHS ARE...

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40 SECONDS OF VIDEO REMOVED FROM RACING.COM is generally the best place to find horse racing replays and live streaming but earlier this week they very quickly edited three falls out of a replay. The edited replay?  The first day of jumps racing...

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